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How to Write a Good Article for a Blog

How to write a good article for a blog - What is a good article? What makes a good article? These were some questions that many beginner bloggers asked and therefore we are going to address some writing approaches to help you write a good article for your blog.

How to Write a Good Article for your Blog

Every article has at least two aspects that the author must pay attention to, the form aspect and the content aspect. The form aspects of an article include vocabulary, grammatical structure, and organization of ideas. Meanwhile, the content aspect of an article includes ideas with a certain depth and breadth. If these two aspects of the article can be guaranteed by the author, then the article can be called a good article.

What is a good article to write about?

In 2021, to write a good article, you not only need to have good writing skills. You also need the ability to choose what topics you should write about. Of course, if you have a blog, you must choose a topic that matches the content of your blog. But do all things related to your blog niche need to be written?

A good writer is like a salesperson. A good seller always provides quality goods for the needs of his consumers. So is a good writer. A good writer always provides quality articles that are needed by readers. Therefore, to decide what topic to write about, the first thing to make sure is that the topic being written is really being sought after by the readers.

In choosing a good article topic, you need to look at the trends that exist when you write the article. Pay attention to information related to the things that fill your blog. You can get ideas from the mass media, electronics, or events that are going on around you. For example, from 2019 until the time this article was written, the mass media has been filled with news about Covid-19. If your blog is about technology, is there any current technology that can be used to quickly detect Covid-19? Or, you can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of current technology in dealing with Covid-19. If your blog is about health, maybe you want to write about certain drugs or foods that can increase the human immune system during a pandemic so that people can avoid Covid-19.

Google trends is very useful to help you write a good article for your blog

One of the fastest ways to find out current trends is to access Google Trends. Google provides Google Trends for us so that we can learn the most sought-after information by people on the internet, especially by using Google. Google Trends even sorts search trends by country so you can predict the highest number of readers who will read your articles.

How to Write a Good Article Title

Once you have decided on the topic that you will write on your blog, you need to know how to write a good article title. The title of your article greatly influences the reader's mind because the title is the first part of an article that people will read. The title of your article should be descriptive enough so that readers can guess what the article is about before they read it. Many people are disappointed not because the content of the article is bad but because the content of the article does not match the title. People will be disappointed after reading your article if they are not getting the information they are looking for. If your article doesn't provide the information they need, why would they read your article? The answer is: because your title promises the information they are looking for.

On the other hand, many people do not read your article not because your article is bad but because the title of your article does not reflect its content. Someone may keep scrolling down their browser and skip your article just because the title that appears in their browser is not really relevant to their needs. Therefore, make sure that you write the title of your article clearly.

The flip side of an article title is its must to grab the reader's attention. Some readers feel they have been "cheated" by the title of the article they read. I threw out a few books because they weren't as interesting as their titles. Meanwhile, just because the title of the article is unattractive, people will skip your article. Therefore, in addition to being descriptive, your title must attract the attention of the reader.

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Nowadays, you don't even have to spend time thinking about the title of your article. Today's technology has provided many tools that you can use to generate titles for your articles. All you need to do is enter the main keywords of your article and then let the tool provide examples of attractive titles for your articles.

However, as a writer, you have to keep your readers in mind. The titles suggested by the Article Title Generator certainly don't know as much about the needs of your readers and the content of your articles as you do. Therefore, consider what your readers need and whether they will continue to read your articles. Remember! The content of your article must match the title.

How to Develop Ideas in your Article

A good article makes the reader's ideas grow. For the reader's ideas to develop, the ideas in the article must also develop. The way to develop ideas in articles is not as difficult as one might think. All you need to do to develop your article idea is to write a list of keywords that relate to the main topic of your article.

Writing a print article is not the same as writing an article on a blog. When you write articles on your blog, your biggest hope is for your articles to be found by people easily. Keyword is an aspect that greatly affects how easy it is for people to find your article. Therefore, you need to use the right keywords and the ones that people are looking for the most. Consider to try Keyword Generator available on the internet.

To make it easier for you to develop your article ideas, try to make a list of the discussions needed so that the main idea of your article can really be discussed thoroughly. You can draw a kind of "mind map" or write down keywords like creating a table of contents. Many people do not know that the table of contents function is not only useful for readers in navigating articles but also useful for writers to organize their ideas.

An article has anatomy that starts from title to conclusion

Your ideas should be recorded completely and arranged in a logical order. For example, to discuss a good article, you should at least have an idea about how to choose a topic, how to write a title, how to organize and develop ideas, and so on. All of these are important keywords for articles that discuss articles. These ideas must be well laid out so that readers can follow your line of thinking and get the information they are looking for.

The easiest way to learn how the ideas in an article are organized is to study how professional writers write their table of contents. Professional writers organize their ideas based on the relationships that exist between them. For example, if you are writing an article about Covid-19, before you describe the symptoms, you may need to give your readers an understanding of Covid-19. If you notice, generally an article begins with a definition, then continues with examples, explanations, and ends with a conclusion. You certainly don't imagine a conclusion before an explanation, do you?

Is a bibliography required?

Generally, blog articles do not require a bibliography. A bibliography is needed if you are writing scientific articles. You can add a bibliography at the end of your article if you think it's necessary.

A bibliography serves as a portal for readers so they can browse other articles used in your article. Readers use the bibliography to find more information about what you are reviewing in your article.

If you decide to add a bibliography to your article, then we recommend using the various Bibliography Maker available on the internet. We suggest that because bibliographic writing has its own structure that is already accepted in the scientific world. By using the bibliographer tool, you can create a legitimate and responsible bibliography. If you want to learn more about how to write a bibliography, you can refer to our article that discusses the bibliography and referencing.

Four Steps to Write a Good Article for your Blog by Doing Less

In conclusion, here are the steps in writing a good article for your blog and because there are plenty of tools available, you will be doing less.

  1. Choose a topic that is trending in the world today. Make sure that your articles provide the information that people need. Use search engines to find trends.
  2. Write a descriptive and interesting article title. Use the features provided by the Article Title Generator but make sure that the titles provided by the tool serve only as suggestions.
  3. Develop ideas in your articles. Discuss the things that are important and sought after by many people related to the main idea that you write in your article. Use trending keywords as pointers for ideas to discuss. Develop your ideas by defining, giving examples, explaining, comparing, analyzing, and summing up. Use images if needed.
  4. Consider adding a bibliography if needed. Use the bibliography makers available on the internet because bibliographies have their own writing structure.

Those are some things you need to do in order to be able to write a good article for your blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below this article. Your friends may need this article too. Therefore, share this article with them.

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