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Tips on How to Improve your Writing Motivation

How to Improve your Writing Motivation - Writing is an activity that needs a strong motivation. Many writers stopped in the middle of their writing process simply because they lost motivation. This article tells you how to improve your writing motivation so that you can write more. Firstly, you need to identify common factors that decrease your writing motivation. Having identified those factors, you can do the following actions to claim your writing motivation back.

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What decreases your writing motivation

It is undeniable that writing is not an activity that everyone engages in. Some people tend to choose to be speakers rather than writers. Usually, a good speaker is a good listener. And, usually, a good writer is a reliable reader.

Today, writing is not just a way of communication. People write for various reasons and most people choose the profession as a writer because they want to earn money from the books they write. Students are required to write in order to pass the course. Teachers and lecturers write in order to get promoted or get a position. And some others write to become famous. This means that everyone has different writing motivations. Therefore, the factors that cause a person to lose motivation to write are also different.

While I won't mention specific factors that undermine motivation to write, years of writing experience have taught me that there are general factors that can threaten the desire to write which are sometimes called writers' block. Following are some of them:

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No previous writing experience

Someone who is writing for the first time, whether it's writing an ebook or an article on a blog, generally feels anxious if his writing is bad or not read by others. In addition, he will be overwhelmed by confusion about how to start, continue, and end his writing. This kind of feeling can stop a novice writer from writing before he even starts.

Getting negative comments

Someone who writes articles on a blog, sooner or later, will get comments, both positive and negative. Positive comments usually increase motivation to write and negative comments, for some people, are very unmotivating. Negative comments are usually given by teachers or lecturers on student writing, or given by reviewers on manuscripts proposed for publication. The way a person perceives these negative comments determines whether they are motivating or unmotivating.

Not having a clear goal

However, writing activities must have clear goals and objectives. If a writing activity does not have clear goals and objectives, chances are someone will get stuck "midway" either because they run out of ideas or have difficulty continuing and ending their writing.

Having too high expectations

A writer has high hopes for the success of his writing and what results are obtained from his writing. For example, a book writer may expect to earn a lot of money from the sale of his book, may lose motivation to write if it turns out that the turnover of his book sales is not in line with the expected target.

Those are some of the common factors that cause your writing motivation to decrease and here are ways to restore and increase your writing motivation.

How to Improve your Writing Motivation

A proper understanding of the factors mentioned above will determine the steps to increase writing motivation as I describe below:

Create a writing experience

Even if you are a budding writer who is just starting to write your first book or article, know that every professional writer has their "first time". Feelings of trepidation or doubt are common when you begin the writing process. You may worry about not being able to continue or finish your writing project because you don't know the steps.

Learn the steps and stages in writing which I discussed in the article entitled writing articles professionally in three stages. As your writing knowledge and experience increases, you will create more valuable and original writing.

Negative comments are opportunities

Comments given by others on your writing is an opportunity to develop your writing knowledge and skills. Negative comments should be seen as an indicator of weaknesses in your writing that need to be addressed.

Expecting positive comments such as acknowledgment or praise for your writing is essentially "suicide" that you don't realize. Positive comments "kill" your creativity and writing motivation. You should expect criticism so that you know your weaknesses so you can improve.

Clarify your writing goals

Even if you make writing an activity to fill your spare time, don't let yourself write without a goal. Set your writing goals. Do you write eBooks to earn money online? Do you write articles on blogs? Do you write for study completion? Are you writing to introduce yourself to the general public? Your goal must be clear and don't stop until you reach your goal.

Have rational expectations

I wrote about 12 books on Amazon and only 3 or 4 were sold. But that didn't dampen my motivation to write. I realized that what I needed to do was study the book market trends.

I suggest you to study the trend of the book market, especially in the topic you are writing about. Make sure that your book has a resale value so you can predict the future of your book. But don't rely on your predictions. Realize that your predictions can be wrong and there is nothing wrong with that.

The strength of your book sales turnover lies in your promotional abilities. The better the promotion of your book, the greater the chance that your book will be purchased. If you find that your book's resale value is declining, consider expanding and revising your book or writing another one.

Use a variety of sources to find information about books that people are looking for but aren't currently available on the internet or bookstores. Write the books that people are looking for and avoid competition with other senior writers. Thus, your writing motivation will be maintained and even increased.

Here are some tips to increase your writing motivation. In conclusion, how you view your writing activity, what beliefs you hold about writing, affects your writing motivation. Happy writing.

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2 comments for "Tips on How to Improve your Writing Motivation"

  1. Great post, thanks for sharing. Motivation doesn't always come easy but these really help me:
