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Should I start blogging fiction today?

One of the conditions for building a blog's reputation is publishing unique content. The term "unique content" includes the uniqueness of content both within a blog and from one blog to another. Most blogs contain non-fiction content such as tutorial blogs and so on. Believe me, what you are writing on your blog, has been and will be written by others on their blog. This means that nothing is truly unique in the world of non-fiction blogging. If you want to have truly unique blog content, one of the best ways is to write a fictional blog. The question is, are fiction blogs still in demand today?

how to start a fiction blog, how does a fiction blog get traffic

I wrote this article, on the sidelines of my waiting for the seemingly endless issue of Google indexation, to help you decide whether you should start a blog that contains fictional stories or not. Hopefully this article can do its job well.

What is a fiction blog?

As the name suggests, a fiction blog is a blog that contains fictional stories such as fairy tales, fables, short stories, and so on. Fiction blogs are written as a means or medium to bridge creative and imaginative writers with fiction connoisseurs.

Fiction has become an effective "mental escape". If you notice, many people spend time reading novels to "escape" from real life problems. Fiction is so entertaining that its readers may forget some facts in their lives that may be too bitter to realize.

A fictional story blog contains stories that are not real, written based on the blogger's imagination. Fiction stories in a blog are always unique because they come out of the head of someone who is also unique. Although some stories may have a similar storyline, the words used to tell the story are certainly different.

Some fiction bloggers use their personal experiences or the experiences of others as "raw material" for their fictional stories. Although the stories they write on their blogs are based on real events, they are "seasoned" with tropes that not only make them beautiful but also unique. If you know what makes a story entertaining, you can convert your common experiences into a fascinating fiction.

Are fiction blogs still in demand today?

I have several books sold on Amazon. I write both fiction and non-fiction books. Based on my experience, fiction books (which I write) are really not "seen" by other people. I once concluded that fiction books simply weren't getting the place they deserved on Amazon. My conclusion changed when I read some research results that it is fiction books that have the bestselling records on Amazon (but my fiction books are not included).

Fiction blogs are blogs that are most in demand by people because of their unique content. No story is the same in a blog and a story in a blog will not be found on another blog (unless the story was plagiarized by an idiot blogger).

However, the quality of a fictional blog depends on the quality of the blogger's imagination and creativity. After I studied the trend of selling books on Amazon (and several other companies), I was inspired by the understanding that nonfiction books sell because of the topic, while fiction books sell because of the author. If you go to a bookstore and look for a nonfiction book, you'll notice the title of the book. But if you're looking for a fiction book, I'm sure the first thing you'll see is who the author is.

If you liked a story that Shakespeare wrote, chances are high that you'll like his other stories. Once you've been mesmerized by Kahlil Gibran's prose, you'll rush into your pockets, opening your wallet, when you see a new title written by him. In essence, a fiction writer only needs to give a satisfactory first impression so that the subsequent fictional stories he writes can get people's full attention.

Don't hesitate if you want to start a fiction blog. Initially, you may struggle to write a story that truly provides aesthetic satisfaction to readers. You need to build your image as a fiction writer because the future of your fiction stories depends on your reputation. Once you impress people with your fictional stories, they will always be hungry for new stories from you.

Fiction stories don't compete with each other, but fiction writers' reputations do. Therefore, readers do not compare your story with other people's stories. What they compare is how the story is told. Further, no fictional story is the same. People are always looking for a mental escape through reading fiction. Therefore, fiction blogs actually still get a proper position in people's hearts.

Must read: Step-by-step guide to short story writing

How does a fictional blog get traffic?

A fictional blog gets traffic from both direct links through social networks and organic traffic from search engines. If you are not yet popular as a fiction writer, then more traffic will come from social networks. This is an uphill battle for budding fiction writers. They need to introduce themselves to people through social media. Unlike the well-known fiction writers, traffic comes to their blogs through search engines.

A non-fiction blog also gets traffic both from direct links on social media and from search engines. However, if you pay attention, the chances of getting traffic are very small for new nonfiction blogs; they have to do search engine optimization, keyword research, address indexation issues, and so on. The level of competition is very tight between these blogs. A keyword like "how to fix a leaky basketball" returns thousands, if not millions, of search results. Your friend's blog, who happens to be writing a tutorial on fixing a deflated basketball, may be on the tenth or hundredth page of the search results page.

Unlike fiction blogs, initially, people may not look for your fiction in search engines if you're not already popular as a fiction writer. But if you have already built an image as a fiction writer, people will search the internet for your story using your name (or the title of the story you wrote) as a search keyword. Because the story you write can only be found on your blog, because of its uniqueness, then of course your blog will be on page one of search results. Thus, your fictional blog will get organic traffic.


If you want to start a fiction blog, you have to hone your imagination and creativity. People are very interested in simple stories that are packaged in words that give an emotional effect. Feel free to start a fiction blog because the level of competition is very low and it will give your blog a chance to get a lot of traffic. A fiction blog is easy to get fans through sharing on social media; once they like your story, rest assured that they will visit the link to the new story you wrote on your blog. The most important thing for a fiction blogger to do is build a reputation as a fiction writer; it does take time, but it's not as difficult as one might think.

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